Other Disorders & Services

Eating Disorders

Eating disorders are characterized by disordered eating patterns accompanied by distress, disparagement, preoccupation, and a distorted perception of one’s body shape.

Common eating disorders include Anorexia nervosa, Bulimia nervosa, and Binge eating disorder.

This multifactorial condition with biological, social, neurobiological, and psychological factors. Most common between the ages of 14-18.

Treatment involves a comprehensive assessment, laboratory tests, a personality inventory, and a multimodal approach to medication, medical/nutritional stabilization, and psychotherapy.

Personality Disorders

Our personality is the sum of our emotions, behaviors, and thoughts. Personality disorders are chronically maladaptive patterns of behavior that cause functional impairment in work, school, or relationships.

There are multiple theories related to personality disorders, including a psychological to neurobiological relationship, which is likely to be multifactorial.

Treatment includes a comprehensive assessment and personality inventory, and at times hospitalization may be required. Medication may be helpful in the management of impulsivity, anxiety, or emotional instability. Research has shown the most effective interventions have been case management and psychotherapy, which focus on skill development and limit-setting, protection from self-harm, improved coping, and enhanced interpersonal functioning.

Adjustment Disorder

Adjustment disorders are stress-related conditions where the response to a stressful or unexpected event causes significant problems in your relationships, work, or school. Adjustment disorder is sometimes referred to as a situational depression.

Although medication may alleviate some specific symptoms, the treatment of choice is psychotherapy.

Bariatric Surgery Pre-Surgical Psychological Evaluations

Bariatric surgery is a life-altering event. While some aspects of the procedure are the same for everyone, each patient has a unique history and experience. Because of this, it is vital to do a thorough individualized assessment to help each person meet the challenges of a changing relationship with food in the smoothest way possible. The purpose of the psychological evaluation is to support the long-term success of your surgery and lifestyle changes.

The evaluation will help identify your strengths, weaknesses, and motivation for surgery. An assessment can also help identify areas in which you might need additional support or assistance.

Gender Affirmation Surgery Pre-Surgical Psychological Evaluations

“Why do I need a psychological evaluation before surgery?”.  The reality is that pre-surgical evaluations have become standard practice over the past several years. Many insurance companies require their patients to see a psychologist to be cleared for surgery. Being mentally prepared before and after surgery is just as crucial for your recovery as being physically prepared.
Gender is personal. There are infinite expressions of identity, many stages along your gender journey, and many ways to engage in transition. How you come to see and understand yourself along the way is unique to you; there is no one size fits all approach.

The evaluation will help identify your strengths, weaknesses, and motivation for surgery. An assessment can also help identify areas in which you might need additional support or assistance.


Insomnia disorder is a diagnosis assigned to individuals who experience recurrent poor sleep quality or quantity that causes distress or impairment in critical areas of functioning.

People with insomnia disorder often experience tiredness or sleepiness in the daytime, related inattention, irritability, and trouble concentrating on tasks, sometimes to such an extreme that their work or social life suffers.

Symptoms of insomnia disorder include the following:

Trouble falling asleep at night, Lying awake for long periods, Waking several times during the night, Wake up early, unable to get back to sleep, Not feeling refreshed after sleeping, Feeling tired or sleepy during the day, having difficulty focusing on a task, Feeling irritable.

Our sleep pattern is organized into Rapid eye movement (REM), alternating with four distinct nonrapid eye movement stages (NREM). Each stage has a duration and a function. Sleep patterns vary with age and even medications. Without adequate sleep, we are unable to function efficiently during the day. Sleep deprivation is associated with increased mortality, poor career performance, overeating, and increased hospitalization.

Treatment is clinical, including weight management, positive airway pressure, continuous (CPAP) or bilevel (BPAP) for OSA and medications, and empowerment of the patient through nonpharmacological interventions, including stress management and other behavioral modifications.